Friday, January 14, 2011

Celebrating our Father's Anniversary

It's our family tradition to celebrate birthdays of family members whether they are present or not. What i mean is that whether they are here with us or in the other special place. Last October 21 was our father's should-have-been 85th birthday, but since he was eager to go to the other special place where our mother was already impatiently waiting for him, we have to enjoy the day  without him. It was a day of fun!

Making sure it's spic n span

As little girls, this is where we used to hold our search for Miss Philippines...


Hilarion and Evangeline forever!

Crowning the next Miss Philippines 

Calumbuyan Brocacac... from the Philippines!!!

Mr. Philippines???

After a day of fun and laughter we went home to share a hearty meal.

Lechon de leche without eyes

My love for Animals.

I love animals. Since i was a little girl, I always had a pet. A piglet named Piggywig, a cat named Jimboy, a dog named Cookie and  Snowball, among others. I even made a poem for Snowball and his favorite song was "No Walls." Now that I have kids of my own, I still have pets in the house but this time I share the love for animals with my children. Here are the pets in the house...

These bunnies were already given away to a nice new home for the sake of my garden.

Simon, my cute and soft-as-a pillow cat and baby Siobhan

Baby Siobhan with Didi the Cat and Mercy, the Christmas Cat.

It's been a while...

How time flies so fast. It's already 2011. The last post that I made was almost 5 months ago. The reason... I forgot my password! Hahaha. But to make it up, i will have to do this in a fast forward way.
   So many occasions and events have gone by since my last post. It's a good thing i have a camera on hand to capture each moment. Let me see what are these moments that I have captured...

     The last post that I did was about my bunnies. I have a dilemma whether to keep them and miss my garden or give it away and experience the joy of growing your own plants and vegetables. I decided to give them away but to a nice new home where they are loved and cared for. In fact some of them have already made a family of cute baby bunnies. Of course!
   So what happened to the joy of gardening experience.