Wednesday, August 28, 2013

All about food

So many foods have gone by since my graduation in Culinary Arts a few years back. Since then, I have  have cooked, created and catered lots of menus but so far here are my favorites:

 Ooops... this is my lazy assistant,

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Some secrets are meant to be hidden

This was taken in our "payag" at the back of our house once summer day.


Settled snugly and comfortably among the leaves is a small nest of a wild bird. 
We have been observing a couple of wild birds busy bringing dry grasses into this plant. We were amazed when we discovered that the two birds were making there love nest.

Several days later, we discovered that the bird has already laid an egg. We're so excited!
Based on my google search, it will take around 10 to 12 days for bird's egg to hatch.
Days came by... 3rd, 5th, 7th. 10th... we can't hardly wait!

We even spied on the mother bird as she was sitting on her egg.

It's a miracle! The egg has finally hatched. Baby bird is opening it's mouth thinking that the movement i made while taking this picture was made by her mother who will to feed her.

Cute baby bird! All warm and contented in it's baby crib.

Here's our baby wild bird. So beautiful and cute just like it's mom.
I wish we could keep you in our hands, baby bird. 

A few days after my son took this picture, her parents taught her to fly away from the nest. 

Living the life...

Here are the new nest boxes that i made for my chicken pies.

What's new...

The newly built home of my chickens made from recycled woods and bamboos.
Quite homey...

Country style...

BandB ( Bed and breakfast accommodation)

Monday, August 12, 2013

Weird Chickens

It was not until I met with Dr. James that I learned the reason why my chickens turned out to be weird.

 This is the result of inbreeding or when chickens of the same parents mate with each other.

School On The Air

 My wake up call  is a radio program in RMN-DYRI (Iloilo) at 4:00 -4:30 am. It features the dean of the College of Agriculture, Resources and Environmental Sciences of Central Philippine Unirvesity (CPU) Dr. James Cabarles, Jr.
Here are my notes on his lecture for the day.
I have already met with Dr. James but wasn't able to get a photo of us together. Maybe by my next visit.


My small space has lots of trees. I can name a few of them.
I planted the chirisa tree for its shade and sweet delicate fruits. There's a cacao tree, coffee tree and a couple of bangkal trees.
This one is a Madre de Cacao tree. 
Adgao tree: I use its leaves as beddings for the nests of my hens. 
Neem tree

It looks like a "serguelas" tree but i haven't tried eating its fruits yet.

Libas tree

Narra Tree
Mango, Coconut and Mahogany trees

Saturday, July 6, 2013

It's a chicken's life...

The chickens enjoying the shade of the chirisa tree.

Bruno and Adolf enjoying the sunshine...